It's marmot madness around the region lately.
Earlier this week, a photo of a baby marmot that had been captured by a local resident and handed over to the Wildlife Rescue Association of B.C. in Burnaby ran in the Record.
The resident involved contacted the Record on Thursday to let readers know that the baby will be heading back home to the interior as soon as arrangements can be made.
"This marmot was first sighted in our back yard (on Richmond Street) having a great feast of lettuce," wrote Charles Turney. "It then went across the lane to our neighbours' yard and made it his home, eating all of their swiss chard, cabbage plants, kale and whatever it fancied."
Turney says he phoned the rescue association and they loaned him a humane trap to try and catch the animal.
"I set the trap in their yard and put a few leaves of lettuce inside. The next morning, the marmot was inside," he said. They put a blanket over the cage, to minimize stress for the animal, and then brought it to the rescue association centre at Burnaby Lake.
An adult marmot was captured last week in Burnaby. In that instance, it took five days for the marmot to be trapped. It's believed it travelled down in a local resident's car after a camping trip to the Squamish area. It too will be returned to the interior.