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Calendar of Events

?MONDAY, OCTOBER 10 Naranon support group, a 12step program for relatives and friends of those affected by drug abuse and addiction problems. Meets every Monday, 7: 30 to 8: 30 p.m. at 327 Eighth St. (group room). All welcome.


Naranon support group, a 12step program for relatives and friends of those affected by drug abuse and addiction problems. Meets every Monday, 7: 30 to 8: 30 p.m. at 327 Eighth St. (group room). All welcome. Info at Naranon information line - 604-878-8844.


Baby boomer focus group meeting for people aged 50 to 65, who want to discuss what Boomers want and need. Refreshments will be served.

Tuesday, Oct. 11 from 6 to 7: 30 p.m. (registration at 5: 45) at either Queensborough Community Centre, 920 Ewen Ave., or Centennial Community Centre, 65 East Sixth Ave. Info: 604-519-1061.


Burnaby/New West Newcomers and Friends club, welcomes women who are new to the area. This is a wonderful way for women of all ages and cultures to make new friends.

Info: Lenore: 604-294-6913. Travel Show, by Debbie Smith on her trip to Southern India, 7: 30 p.m. at the New Westminster Public Library, 716 Sixth Ave. Info: 604-527-4660.


Codependents Anonymous, Freedom Group, 12-step program for people who want healthier, more functional relationships with themselves and others. 7: 30 p.m. at Royal Columbian Hospital, Sherbrooke Centre at 260 Sherbrooke St., main floor lounge. Info: Sue 6045808889 or info line at 6045155585.


Garage sale, 10 a.m. to 12: 30 p.m. at the Queens Avenue United Church, 529 Queens Ave. Info: 604-525-4073 or 604-597-3894.


Naranon support group, a 12step program for relatives and friends of those affected by drug abuse and addiction problems. Meets every Monday, 7: 30 to 8: 30 p.m. at 327 Eighth St. (group room). All welcome. Info at Naranon information line - 604-878-8844.

New Westminster Puffers Society meeting, 12: 30 to 2 p.m. New Westminster Public Library, 716 Sixth Ave. Anyone with breathing problems is welcome to attend.


Codependents Anonymous, Freedom Group, 12-step program for people who want healthier, more functional relationships with themselves and others. 7: 30 p.m. at Royal Columbian Hospital, Sherbrooke Centre at 260 Sherbrooke St., main floor lounge. Info: Sue 6045808889 or info line at 6045155585.


Naranon support group, a 12step program for relatives and friends of those affected by drug abuse and addiction problems. Meets every Monday, 7: 30 to 8: 30 p.m. at 327 Eighth St. (group room). All welcome. Info at Naranon information line - 604-878-8844.


Codependents Anonymous, Freedom Group, 12-step program for people who want healthier, more functional relationships with themselves and others. 7: 30 p.m. at Royal Columbian Hospital, Sherbrooke Centre at 260 Sherbrooke St., main floor lounge. Info: Sue 6045808889 or info line at 6045155585.


Naranon support group, a 12step program for relatives and friends of those affected by drug abuse and addiction problems. Meets every Monday, 7: 30 to 8: 30 p.m. at 327 Eighth St. (group room). All welcome. Info at Naranon information line - 604-878-8844.


Crafters Sale, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Queens Avenue United Church, 529 Queens Ave. Table reservations are $25, call 604-597-3894 for more info.


Burnaby/New West Newcomers and Friends club, welcomes women who are new to the area. This is a wonderful way for women of all ages and cultures to make new friends. Info: Lenore: 604-294-6913.


New Westminster Puffers Society meeting, 12: 30 to 2 p.m. New Westminster Public Library, 716 Sixth Ave. Anyone with breathing problems is welcome to attend.


Reading Buddies at the New Westminster Public Library, Teens pair up with younger readers age six to nine. English reading buddies meet Thursday from 3: 30 to 4: 30 p.m. until Nov. 10. French reading buddies meet on Wednesday from 3: 30 to 4: 30 p.m.until Nov. 9. Snacks will be provided. Registration: 604-527-4677.

New Westminster Photography Club, meets every first and third Tuesday for outings and workshops. Info: www.nwphoto. org.

No need to stand alone, Senior Peer Counselling at Century House is a free one-to-one service in New Westminster. Trained volunteers stand alongside you to provide support through challenges such as grief, loneliness, loss of health and finding new meaning in life. Privacy is assured. Call 604-519-1064 for more information. New Westminster Family Place Friday drop-in, from 9: 30 to 11: 30 a.m., 1170 12th St. Drop-in includes free play, stories, songs and craft activities. Info: 604-520-3666 or www.

Take Off Pounds Sensibly, (TOPS) chapters meet weekly throughout the Lower Mainland. TOPS is a non-profit, low-cost, weight-loss support group promoting sensible food choices and moderate exercise. To find a meeting location near you, call Gail, 6049418699.

Canadian Club of New Westminster and Fraser Valley, meets monthly at the Justice Institute of B.C., with meetand-greet at 6 p.m., dinner at 7 p.m. and speaker at 8 p.m.

Call Earl, 604-520-3889 or visit www.ourcanadian.blogspot. com for more info.

Surrey Trekkers Walking Club, with five clubs all over the Lower Mainland, invites adults of all ages for organized walks for fun, fitness and friendship.

The non-profit group is part of Volkssporting International.

Info: Peggy, 604-590-3975, or see trekkers053.

Girl Guides of Canada, yearround registration and volunteer info, 1-800-565-8111.

Meditation and therapeutic touch, offered by volunteer services at the Royal Columbian Hospital, 7 p.m. on Thursday nights. No cost. Call 6045204237 for further information.

Food Addicts Anonymous, meets every Monday night in Room 338, Columbia Tower, Royal Columbian Hospital, 7: 30 p.m. Contact Michael, 604-930-8338, for information.

Urban Aboriginal Young Parents Program, offers a parent-child Mother Goose literacy program, Tuesdays and Thursdays 1 to 2 p.m., as well as playgroups for young parents and children up to five years old, Monday to Friday from 9: 30 to 11: 30 a.m. and 1 to 3 p.m. All programs free. Call 604-395-4106 or visit 713 Columbia St.

The New Westminster Amateur Radio Club, is looking for new members, and meets every third Tuesday of the month at Century House, Moody Park, with meetings starting at 7: 30 p.m. Focus is on emergency radio communications within the City of New Westminster in the event of a disaster. Info: Peter, 604-525-6708.

ESL and preschool program for African women, a course sponsored by Family Services of Greater Vancouver and B.C. Settlement and Adaptation Program, for African mothers with young children, at Olivet Baptist Church, 613 Queens Ave. For more information, call 604-525-9144, ext. 55.

New Westminster Community Gateway, a program that provides reception and orientation services for newcomers, is looking for volunteers. If you are an established immigrant who's interested in helping, call at program coordinator Eman Elmasri at 778-397-1022 or email eman.elmasri@purpose

Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, Lower Mainland chapter, has 16 different support groups running around the Lower Mainland. For info on the one closest to you, call 604-689-3144, and ask for the Lower Mainland chapter.

Girl Guides of Canada, units meet weekly around Burnaby and New Westminster. Girls aged five to 18 and women 19 and up can join all year round. Call 1-800-565-8111.

SUCCESS Host program, matching volunteers with newcomers to act as a community guide and resource person, is looking for volunteers living in New West, Burnaby or the TriCities. Time commitment: two to three hours once a week for six months. For more details, contact SUCCESS Settlement Services Centre, 6044301899, ext. 101, or yumiko. [email protected].

Association for Awareness and Networking Around Disordered Eating (ANAD), provides education through community outreach. Should your community group or school wish a presentation that focuses on positive body image, call ANAD at 604739-2070.

Do you have a non-profit event for the calendar or new information for an ongoing listing? Send details to calendar@royal Also check out our events listings online at