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Chor Leoni recruiting young men in New Westminster

Young men between the ages of 12 and 20 are invited to join the Chor Leoni MyVoice choir program, going into its third year this year.

Young men between the ages of 12 and 20 are invited to join the Chor Leoni MyVoice choir program, going into its third year this year.

The eleven-week program is free for any boys interested in learning to sing or expand their vocal abilities, and will culminate in an all-day choral celebration with the Chor Leoni Men's Choir at Queen's Avenue United Church in April.

All levels of experience are welcome to sign up to sing together, every Tuesday from 7 to 9 p.m. at Glenbrook Middle School.

The first practice was on Jan. 29, but space is still available.

About 100 participants are expected to join the program altogether at its Vancouver, Richmond and New Westminster branches, said Chor Leoni's assistant conductor, Carrie Tennant.

"It just keeps growing every year," she said. "There's just something about having the energy of all boys in the same room."

Whether participants have had experience with their school or community choirs or are totally new to choral singing, this is a chance to try it out, said Bruce Hoffman, director of communications for Chor Leoni Men's Choir.

"We've had a lot of singers go through MYVoice and then say that it was a life-changing experience for them and then they go on to join other choirs or their school choirs," he said. "... so it's really a wonderful opportunity for the guys."

The MYVoice choir sings a range of musical styles, from Broadway musicals to folk to world to classical to pop.

The theme for the upcoming program is "heroes," which, Hoffman noted, could refer to anyone from Superman to Jesus to someone's mom.

The full-day final performance on April 20 will kick-off with the Chor Leoni Men's Choir performing a few numbers before the MyVoice group takes over the show, and the finale will feature all the singers together.

"It's a great sound, and it's very exciting," said Hoffman.

For Robby Garcia, a Grade 12 student at New Westminster Secondary School, it's a chance to carry on his love of singing with an experienced group.

"It was amazing," he said of his first time with MYVoice this year. "I got to work with people I wouldn't normally work with, and I learned things from a new perspective I didn't think I would," he said.

For more information, or to register, visit