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City's Fraser River centre wades into pipeline debate

The Fraser River Discover Centre is calling on Kinder Morgan to protect the Fraser River.

The Fraser River Discover Centre is calling on Kinder Morgan to protect the Fraser River.

The New Westminster based society is calling on Kinder Morgan to ensure the Fraser River is protected if it proceeds with a new route for its oil pipeline that brings it closer to the river.

According to the Fraser River Discovery Centre, the new potential route option for the oil pipeline unveiled by Kinder Morgan on June 21 would see it divert from the existing route to avoid built-up areas - but would bring the pipeline closer to the Fraser River in the process.

"As the voice of the Fraser River, we believe everything must be done to protect the river before that route could be approved," said Discovery Centre executive director Catherine Ouellet-Martin in a press release. "Anything that potentially impacts the environmental, economic or social future of the Fraser River is something we would be gravely concerned about."

Fraser River Discovery Centre has also offered its New Westminster facility as a site for potential public consultation and discussion on the part of the proposed pipeline closest to the river.

"One of our roles is as a public convener on all issues and activities related to the Fraser River," Ouellet-Martin added. "We would welcome an opportunity to host Kinder Morgan and all those interested in this pipeline route to have a fact-based discussion regarding the potential benefits and impacts."

Kinder Morgan is seeking to expand the Trans Mountain pipeline, which runs between British Columbia and Alberta. The proposed expansion would allow the company to increase its capacity from 300,000 to 890,000 barrels per day.

While much of the pipeline would follow the existing route, some changes are being planned. Kinder Morgan released its proposed route plans for Surrey and Langley last week.

Fraser River Discovery Centre is an interpretive centre that seeks to connect communities in the discovery and celebration of the living, working Fraser River.

Discovery Centre is located at 788 Quayside Dr. and is open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the summer.

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