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Here's what's up at New Westminster school board tonight

Programs of choice review and new plans for cooling NWSS are on the agenda.
NWSS outside new
New Westminster Secondary School faced overheated classrooms during last spring's heat waves. A proposal to look for funding for a cooling system for the school is on the agenda for the Sept. 26 school board meeting.

The New Westminster school board holds its first meeting of the new school year tonight — and it's a big one.

Among the items on the agenda:

Money, money, money: How the SD40 budget stacks up

Money discussions are front and centre, as the board receives its 2022-23 audit findings report, as well as a review of the 2022-23 year-end financial picture.  In a nutshell: the school district is in solid financial shape, with an accumulated operating surplus of more than $3.1 million. But the long-term picture remains challenging, as the district faces a number of risks and unknowns that could have an impact on the financial picture — including ongoing enrolment growth and capacity challenges; fluctuations in the international education program; a lack of money to keep IT hardware refreshed; and cost pressures that may not be funded by the Ministry of Education and Child Care, including inflation and exempt staff wages (principals, vice-principals and managers).

Programs of choice review

The school board will hear a consultant's presentation stemming from a review of the district's programs of choice (French immersion, Montessori and Home Learners). A draft report notes many strengths in all three programs but also makes recommendations for the future — foremost among them being the potential to amalgamate multiple program locations into fewer school sites. The report suggests having the two current Montessori programs (at Skwo:wech and Connaught Heights) eventually amalgamated into one. It also suggests the early French immersion programs (at Qayqayt, Herbert Spencer and Lord Tweedsmuir elementary schools) should be combined into no more than two sites — with, ideally, a future plan to run one full French immersion school (though it acknowledges such a plan would be a long-term and complex one). Consultant Nancy Brennan is scheduled to make a presentation to the board, so tune in to hear more (or read her full report in the agenda package).

Hot schools: District seeks $3M for NWSS cooling

The board will be asked to approve the district's 2024-25 minor capital submission to the province — a request that's due by Sept. 30. The district is proposing a request for $6.75 million from the province's school enhancement program. The bulk of that money would be used to add heat pump systems to bring cooling to its two newest schools, both of which suffered high temperatures during last spring's heat waves: New Westminster Secondary School (earmarked at $3 million) and Skwo:wech Elementary School (earmarked at $2 million). It's also looking for $750,000 to upgrade HVAC at Queen Elizabeth Elementary School and $1 million for Lord Tweedsmuir's HVAC system to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Superintendent update: Anti-racism toolkit and more

Superintendent Karim Hachlaf will present his monthly update, which is planned to include a look at the district's new Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism parent toolkit, information on the upcoming long-range facilities plan information sessions, a look at continued capacity challenges in the district and options for the 2024-25 school year, and more.

Tracking the district's progress

Senior district staff will present a look at how the district is doing in achieving the goals set out in its strategic plan, as it embarks on the beginnings of a strategic plan update for 2025-29. The presentation will look at the areas where the district is "on track," where it's completed planned work and where it is still "off track" (i.e. where work remains to be done). Ultimately, the school board will seek input from students, families, staff and the community to move on with its next five-year strategic plan.

How to attend the next New West school board meeting

The board meets on Tuesday, Sept. 26 at 7 p.m. at the School District 40 offices (811 Ontario St.). The meeting is being held in hybrid format, so you can also take part online via Zoom. Public question and comment periods allow members of the public, as well as representatives of stakeholder groups (the New West Teachers' Union, CUPE Local 409, and the New West district parent advisory council) to address the board.

Find the link and the full agenda package at the SD40 website.