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'I feel good': Osterman leaves with no regrets

Coun. Bob Osterman is looking to future endeavours after losing his longtime seat on city council. Prior to his four terms on council, Osterman served on school board from 1983 to 1996.

Coun. Bob Osterman is looking to future endeavours after losing his longtime seat on city council.

Prior to his four terms on council, Osterman served on school board from 1983 to 1996. In Saturday's election, he lost the council seat he's held since 1996.

"I have enjoyed every minute of it," he said about his tenure on council. "I have had three very, very good years with a mayor and council who worked very well together."

Prior to the election, Osterman said he had pondered whether to pack it in or to run again.

"I don't give up that easy," he said. "Quite frankly, the public said, 'you have had your turn, time for somebody else.' I am not mad at anybody. I move on with my life."

Having served on school board and city council for 28 straight years, Osterman has a list of things to do and hopes to volunteer in the community. He'd love to serve on the Massey Theatre board of directors.

"That has no appeal to me right now," he said about serving on city committees. "I have just done 15 years on council. I think it's time to let other people sit on committees."

Osterman is also looking forward to the opportunity of spending more time with his family.

"It's a time monster," he said about balancing a fulltime job and city council.

Osterman said he has no intention of running for council in the future. After collecting his election signs on Sunday, he recycled all but four of the signs.

"I feel good. Good luck to the new council, good luck to the school board," he said.

"I am happy with what I have done. Carry on."

While he would have liked helping the city update its major transportation plan in 2013, Osterman said there are a lot of capable people on city council to do that job.

"Bob has always been a good councillor," said Mayor Wayne Wright. "Obviously we wish him the best."

Osterman placed eighth in the race for the six seats on city council. He trailed behind former city councillor Calvin Donnelly, who hoped to reclaim the council seat he lost in 2008.

Donnelly said he worked hard to be re-elected to city council but knew it would be a fight with Puchmayr in the mix.

"We are going to miss Bob and his wisdom," said Coun. Lorrie Williams. "Bob has contributed a lot to this city."

[email protected] TheresaMcManus