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It's his party and he'll do what he wants to

We are reminded of the lyrics, "It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to" every time we hear another criticism of John Cummins' leadership.

We are reminded of the lyrics, "It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to" every time we hear another criticism of John Cummins' leadership. Of course there are also strains of Frank Sinatra's I did it my way and ABBA's The winner takes it all in there somewhere.

Cummins certainly doesn't appear to be one of those leaders who welcomes criticism and input from his followers. In fact, he seems to consider questioning or complaints as a sign of disloyalty and mutiny. Both actions deserving of either a cold shoulder or complete dismissal.

And who can blame him? When the Conservatives were an amusing political sidebar that very few took seriously, he soldiered on and ran the show.

Then the Liberals started free falling and the Conservatives looked like a possible alternative for the right wing in B.C. Politicians with some credibility signed up with the Conservatives hoping for a bit of respect and potential power. But what they quickly discovered was that Cummins wasn't going to share the limelight with anyone. And he didn't seem to care if the Johnny Come Latelys quit over it.

Now, most leaders are supposed to at least give the impression that they value members' input - no matter what they believe or do behind closed doors.

But, to give him some credit, Cummins appears to take the same dim view of dissidents in public as he does behind closed doors. Will charges of voting irregularities in his leadership race shake his hold on the party? We doubt it. The anti-Cummins' team want him to resign - he wants them to leave or toe the line.

But there's a venerable tradition in B.C. of attacking one's leader. Usually the attacks increase in intensity as leaders appear closer to actually obtaining power. But these attacks may just send the Conservatives back to the 'amusing' sideshow category in B.C. politics.

But, perhaps, the next tune Cummins will hear is, Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye?