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Jim Goring loses school trustee spot to MaryAnn Mortensen

The only incumbent school trustee to run and lose his spot in the civic elections knew early Saturday afternoon that the night might not go well.

The only incumbent school trustee to run and lose his spot in the civic elections knew early Saturday afternoon that the night might not go well.

Jim Goring, who previously served as a school trustee from 1996 to 1999, also lost his chance at re-election this time around, and he said the turning point came when he got a call from a Toronto phone bank.

"This was when I realized that the game was up, that the district labour council and the NDP-backed candidates were running a much bigger game than I had ever expected," said Goring, who fell 185 votes short.

"I had the energy to go another three years, but the voters have spoken," said Goring. "I think my family's not totally unhappy with how this turned out."

Goring said he regrets focusing his attack on the school district's business company on its chief executive officer, Brent Atkinson, when he should have concentrated on the "bad behaviour of the business company, not the individual."

And Goring minced no words when he talked about the past history of the business company.

"Who created the problem? Mr. Ewen was part of that. He never acknowledged or apologized for helping create the initial problems with the business company."

For Ewen's part, when asked what he thought about the only incumbent to lose his spot, Ewen didn't say a word, only shaking his head to denote that no comment was forthcoming.

Goring's disappointment was occurring at the same time colleague MaryAnn Mortensen won her way onto the board, keeping the Voice New Westminster contingent at three.

"It's mixed emotions for me right now," said Mortensen as the Voice party continued on at the Dublin Castle. "It's good for me, but we're losing a very positive voice in Jim Goring. I have nothing but respect for Jim and Brenda McEachern-Keen. ... I think it's going to be some time before I'm jumping up and down."

Mortensen said she was happy with how she ran her campaign, and she's happy to see two other newcomers join the board.

"I'm looking forward to working with Jonina (Campbell) and David (Phelan). I think they're great people who bring a fresh perspective," said Mortensen. "I think I can work with Michael and James (Janzen) too."