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Lalji says she hopes to return to New West school board this year

New Westminster’s sole independent school board member says she hopes to return to her role as trustee sometime this year.
lalji ansari
New Westminster school board chair Anita Ansari (right) says Trustee Mary Lalji (left) will be welcomed back if she returns this year from more than a year on a health-related absence. FILE PHOTOS

New Westminster’s sole independent school board member says she hopes to return to her role as trustee sometime this year.

As of last week, Mary Lalji has been away from school board for a full year on a medical leave, the nature of which she declined to publicly disclose for the sake of her privacy.

In a text message, Lalji said the decision to take time away from public office “was definitely the right choice,” one she said meant putting “my health first.”

“My doctor advised it was best to focus on my health situation and taking a medical leave would be the best course of action,” Lalji said. “The time away from board work gave me the opportunity to take care of myself without the additional and unnecessary stress that became part of my role as an independent trustee. My hope is to return this year.”

Lalji said she has given the school board two doctor’s notes at the request of the former chair, Mark Gifford.

She added that she continues to receive her trustee stipend while on the sick leave, but she claims to pass that money along to “various student initiatives.”

Lalji continues to work a day job while away from school board, which she did not comment on in her statement.

Current school board chair Anita Ansari said she will be happy to see Lalji return to her role whenever she’s able to.

“We don’t have an expected date of return. And we really hope she returns as soon as she is able to, but her health is her top priority, and we support her taking the time,” Ansari said in an interview.

“We welcome her voice back at our table when she’s able. I think all of us at the board really would love to have the unique perspective that she brought back when she’s able.”

Ansari said the rest of the board is “here to support her however she needs,” and they will do “the best we can to incorporate her voice when she’s able (to return).”