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Letter: New West noise 'so loud you can't even hear your own TV'

This letter writer questions why noise level in the Belmont Street area appears to get "worse and worse" each year.
Do you think general noise in New Westminster gets worse each year?

The Editor:

I have lived near Belmont Street for the past 15 years and the noise level every year gets worse and worse.

It seems to mostly start at supper time and continues into the night.

Loud motorcycles and hot rods are so loud you can't even hear your own TV.

Now, the Belmont Street party is going until 9:30 p.m. with open liquor free-for-all and music blaring.

Give me a break!

We as residents shouldn't have to put up with this as there are mostly Seniors living here.

Why can't they hold the event in Moody Park? Where activities are supposed to be held?

- Karl Spiess, New Westminster