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New West byelection candidates: why they'd be a good school trustee

New West voters will election a new trustee next month: The four candidates share their thoughts on why they'd bring to the school board table.
Running in the school board byelection are, clockwise from top left: Jalen Bachra; Kathleen Carlsen; Shawn Sorensen and Alejandro Diaz.

The four candidates running in the 2024 school board byelection hope voters will choose them to fill the vacant trustee seat.

In response to questions posed by the Record, the candidates have weighed in with their thoughts abut the Top 3 issues in the school district and safety in schools. They’ve shared a bit of information about themselves and explained why they're running.

Today’s question: What would make you a good trustee? (100 word limit)

Here are the responses of the four candidates (in alphabetical order): Jalen Bachra; Kathleen Carlsen; Alejandro Diaz; and Shawn Sorensen.

Jalen Bachra

More than experience with students and families of New Westminster, I have experience connecting with people from different walks of life. Being chosen to represent people and the community is not just an honour, but it comes with serious responsibility. I make every decision with careful deliberation, no matter how small. Being connected to the community means I access all kinds of perspectives. Being grounded in my own values means I am able to make my own decisions and know I can stand by them.

Kathleen Carlsen

My guiding principle will always be to put the needs of students first.

With so many staff changes right now, consistency is important. With me joining the team, the transition will be easier because of my eight-years’ experience with school board procedures. Knowing members and district staff will mean less disruption and more time to focus on the students, budget, upcoming hirings, and daily board work.

I bring a voice of diversity to the table as well as compassion, empathy and integrity so the focus is where it needs to be – on the students, families and staff of SD40.

Alejandro Diaz

I am a candidate who doesn’t have any hidden agenda or commitment to any party’s platform.

My decisions will be in the best interest of the children. Leaders must be clear about what they believe in, but also not so proud to change their mind when shown that there is a better way. Ego has no place in leadership. I read once that the best qualities of a leader are courage, confidence, and optimism. Courage to take on challenges that face you. Confidence that your efforts can bring about change. Optimism that the change will be for a better future.

Shawn Sorensen

Listening and collaboration are essential pillars of my approach. By engaging in constructive dialogue, I can better understand the diverse needs of our community, leading to more informed and effective decision-making. I want my opinions and ideas to be critically challenged by the community and other trustees so that they can be developed into even stronger and more thorough ones. I will aim to champion strategies that foster a welcoming and respectful learning environment for all students. My goals as a trustee will mirror my goals as a parent – to listen, support and communicate each and every day.