A local pooch is finally able to walk on his own – two years after being attacked by two large dogs.
Catherine McEwen was walking her dog Indio along Sixth Street near Mercer Stadium in July 2016 when he was attacked by two large dogs. By the time she untangled his leash, the other dog owner had fled with her dogs – leaving Indio seriously injured.
“It paralyzed him,” McEwen said of the attack. “It destroyed three discs in his back and damaged three. He couldn’t walk.”
Between surgery, hospitalization, medication and months of therapy, Catherine and Ken McEwen paid $23,000 to help Indio walk again. Because of the damage sustained in the attack, Indio can no longer squat or lift his leg to do his business.
After their previous dog died, the couple wasn’t sure about getting a new dog – but they couldn’t resist the spaniel-chihuahua mix they found at a rescue shelter in Indio, California. Until he was attacked, Indio loved his daily walks and playtime at Moody Park.
Nearly two years after being attacked, Indio is finally able to walk to Moody Park, rather than getting a ride to the park in a cart. When he gets to the park, McEwen said he’s happy to see his puppy pals, but he’s no longer able to play.
“He can’t run, he can’t walk fast,” she said, “but he is alive and he is happy.”