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New West firefighters join battle against B.C. wildfires

New Westminster Fire and Rescue Services deploys crew to aid in Kelowna wildfires

New Westminster Fire and Rescue Services has deployed staff and apparatus to the B.C. interior to help fight wildfires.

In an Aug. 18 social media post, Mayor Patrick Johnstone said New West is sending resources, including a truck and command staff, to the Kelowna area.

“I want to thank (New West Fire and Rescue Service) members for their contributions, and hope for a safe deployment,” he said.

When contacted by the Record, fire Chief Erin Williams said he was in West Kelowna supporting the current situation.

Deputy Chief Brad Davie, who provided an update to the Record, said BC Wildfire Service had requested that New Westminster Fire and Rescue Services provide resources to help with the wildfire situation in British Columbia.

To date, the local fire department has supplied a staffed fire engine (with a crew of four), two chief officers (Williams and deputy Chief Jeff Gill) and one Emergency Support Services person to assist in West Kelowna and Kelowna.

“The engine company with our four firefighters arrived in West Kelowna Friday evening and worked Friday and Saturday overnight trying to protect structures in the Glenrosa are of West Kelowna,” Davie said in an email to the Record. “Deputy Chief Jeff Gill led a task force in the McDougall Creek wildfire and Chief Erin Williams was assigned to a task force in Wilson’s Landing and South towards Bear Creek.”

Kathy Lacey, the department’s part-time auxiliary Emergency Support Services coordinator, is also in Kelowna, where she’s assisting with a reception centre to house evacuated residents.

“We are currently backfilling their roles here in New Westminster to ensure that our local services are not compromised,” Davie said. “Administratively, we will be running on skeleton staffing, so some non-essential services may be delayed until the administrative staff can return; however, please know that all essential services will be maintained.

Some members of the New Westminster Police Department are assisting with the response to the wildfires.

“Our officers feel very strongly about helping our neighbours in need,” said Hailey Finnigan, the police department’s strategic communications coordinator.