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New West seeks input on new skate park

The skate park will be leaving its longtime home at Mercer Stadium, but the city wants input on its new location. As part of the construction of a new high school, the skate park must be relocated from its current home at Mercer Stadium.
Mercer skate park
Input sought: The City of New Westminster is holding an open house on Thursday, June 22 (today) to get input into preferred location for the skate park, which needs leave its longtime home in Mercer Stadium due to construction of a replacement high school. The open house runs from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Century House.

The skate park will be leaving its longtime home at Mercer Stadium, but the city wants input on its new location.

As part of the construction of a new high school, the skate park must be relocated from its current home at Mercer Stadium. The city has been leasing the land from the school district, but that lease will terminate when construction of a replacement for New Westminster Secondary School begins.

A city staff report notes about 300 participants have provided input that will be used to help determine the design features and potential locations for the new skate park.

“When we are looking at locations for a skate park, location is very important to get a high usership. I’d certainly like to see it very close to the vicinity of where it is today,” said Coun. Chuck Puchmayr. “I am very pleased with the consultation that’s going on, and the feedback that I’m getting from the skateboard community is they are very happy and feel they are being listened to. Kudos to parks and rec for engaging in that manner.”

Mayor Jonathan Cote commended staff for being “really creative” and targeting specific users by doing consultation in connection with a skateboard competition at the Mercer Stadium site. He said it will be nice to see an updated and modernized skateboard park in New Westminster.

“With the new high school redevelopment project, the new high school is going to be located where the existing skateboard park is and will need to be relocated,” he said. “I think we have been able to demonstrate that we are committed to replacing that facility. It’s well used and we need that facility in our community.”

The city is holding an open house today (Thursday, June 22) from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Century House.

“We will mainly be looking at the preferred location,” said Erika Mashig, the city’s parks and open space planner. “We want to hear back about where the skate park should be located. That’s the primary input we want from the community.”