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New Westminster DPAC to host debate

The New Westminster District Parent Advisory Council plans to host an all-candidates debate - with a focus on education - ahead of the provincial election in May.

The New Westminster District Parent Advisory Council plans to host an all-candidates debate - with a focus on education - ahead of the provincial election in May.

The districtwide parent group announced the debate recently, noting that parents are "keen" to hear what local provincial candidates have to say about education.

"As the writ will not be dropped until April 15, we wanted to ask those who we assume will be formally declaring to please mark this date on your calendars now, and, if we hear of other candidates, we will notify them as well in order to give everyone as much notice in advance as possible," said the release, which was signed by district parent council interim chair Wendy Harris and past-chair Paul Johansen.

The district parent council hosted a civic debate during the election in November 2011 and says it was well attended.

"As part of our commitment to help educate and inform parents, candidates were asked to also submit a 250-word bio, along with contact information (email, phone, website, etc.). This information was collated into a package, which was shared electronically along our parent grids and community organizations as well printed for distribution at DPAC/PAC meetings and the debate," the release states.

The parent council wants provincial candidates to confirm their attendance at the as soon as possible, the release noted. Harris can be reached via email at [email protected].