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New Westminster police warn about increased residential break-and-enters

The New Westminster Police Service announced Thursday that in the past week, officers have noticed an increase in the number of residential break-and-enters in various areas throughout the city.

The New Westminster Police Service announced Thursday that in the past week, officers have noticed an increase in the number of residential break-and-enters in various areas throughout the city. The break-and-enters, which have occurred primarily in the daytime hours, are being investigated by patrol and major crime investigators.

"One of the methods used by the suspects is to attend residential neighbourhoods and knock on doors to determine if anyone is at home," Sgt. Diana McDaniel of the New Westminster Police Service said in a press release. "If residents are at home, the suspect will provide an excuse like he is looking for a rental suite in the area."

McDaniel added that officers are conducting extra patrols throughout various areas of the city, along with increased vigilance from Citizens Crime Watch Patrol and bike squad volunteers.

McDaniel also offered some home safety tips for residents, including:

* Knocking on doors or ringing doorbells is a common tactic for thieves. A doorbell or knock should not go unanswered as this gives the impression that your home is empty. Always use your eye viewer or a window to check who is at your door. Never open your door to a stranger. If a stranger does approach your home, inquire through your locked door.

* Always lock up your home, even if you are leaving for a short time or working in your yard. When you are not paying attention, burglars can walk or climb in unlocked doors or windows and quietly exit your home with valuables.

* Keeping a telephone list of important numbers near the phone is not just convenient, but a safety feature as well. Jot down phone numbers, such as police and the fire department, as well as your neighbours. If you have to act quickly you can.

* Protect your windows, doors and patio doors by using a secondary locking device and ensure they are always in use. Consider upgrading older locks as insufficient locks can make your home more vulnerable.

* To reduce the likelihood of a break-and-enter to your residence, do everything you can to make your home appear occupied when you are away. Leave lights and a radio on timers, have the lawn mowed, and have newspapers and mail collected.

* Look at the trees or shrubbery located around your property. Consider trimming these back if they create a shield near windows and doors as burglars can use these areas to hide.

* Dark areas are crime attractors. Use some strategic lighting around the exterior of your home, such as using motion sensitive lighting at a tamper proof height.

* Join your local Block Watch or crime-free multi-housing program, as there a number of benefits of being in these programs. Contact the New Westminster Police Service at 604-525-5411 if you are interested in starting one of these programs in your neighbourhood or need additional information on home security.