Students at New Westminster Secondary School swarmed their principal, backed him up against a wall and duct-taped him.
But it was all in good fun for a worthy cause.
Phil Cookson let his students duct tape his body to a wall as a part of fundraiser being held by the school's Interact club, a youth division of Rotary, which fundraises for various non-profits and service organizations locally and around the globe.
The duct tape fundraiser was for Doctors Without Borders, an international medical humanitarian organization created by doctors and journalists in France in 1971. The agency provides medical assistance in more than 60 countries to people whose survival is threatened by violence, poverty and natural disasters.
Cookson said he was willing to have himself taped to the school's wall for the important fundraiser.
In the end, the event provided not just needed funding for the humanitarian organization, but also comic relief for the students who participated by buying a piece of duct tape to hold up the good-natured principal.