Westminster Pier Park has won a national Brownie Award from the Canadian Urban Institute.
The Brownie Awards program recognizes leadership and innovation in a number of key categories, including sustainable remediation technologies and excellence in project development at the neighbourhood scale. The Westminster Pier Park project won in the category of sustainable remediation technologies and technical innovation, beating out several Ontario projects.
"It is an honour to have such an important project for our city recognized nationally," said Mayor Wayne Wright in a press release.
"This award, like Westminster Pier Park, truly belongs to the citizens of New Westminster and all residents can feel justifiably proud of this achievement."
The 2011 Canadian Urban Institute Brownie Awards jury is comprised of representatives from 10 professional and industry associations including the Canadian Urban Institute and Canadian Institute of Planners/Ontario Professional Planners Institute; the BLOOM Centre for Sustainability; Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario; Federation of Canadian Municipalities; Building, Industry and Land Development; Ontario Association of Architects; Natural Resources Canada; and ReNew Canada.
"This award is reflective of the innovative work the city, our consultants and contractors have been doing as we transform a large former industrial section of our waterfront into a park for everyone to enjoy," said Jim Lowrie, the city's director of engineering services. "I'd like to recognize the efforts of both the British Columbia ministry of environment and our environmental remediation consultants, WorleyParsons, whose skill and expertise have been a tremendous asset over the course of the Westminster Pier Park project."
The City of New Westminster purchased the former industrial property on the city's waterfront for $8 million in 2009 and is redeveloping the riverfront site into a $25.1 million park.
The city has received federal and provincial governments contributions for two-thirds ($16.6 million) of the project funding through the Build Canada Fund.
New Westminster also received a $105,500 brownfield grant from the province to help remediate the Westminster Pier Park site.
Two groups are joining forces to hold a Hard Times! Good Times! fundraiser to help with their ongoing projects.
The Sapperton Old Age Pensioners and New Westminster Lions Club are hosting their second annual fundraising dinner on Saturday, Oct. 22. The concept is that even in hard times, many people can see the good times.
"After entertainment upstairs, people will enter the lower level to enjoy a three-course harvest dinner followed by bountiful desserts and a digestif," said a press release. "There will be door prizes and a silent auction."
Tickets are $25 and available from members of the New Westminster Lions Club or Sapperton Pensioners Association, or at the Sapperton Pensioners Hall at 6045220280.
The evening's entertainment includes singer Derrick Bloomfield, who has performed at the Queensborough Urban Farmers Fall Air, and the Royal City Swing Dancers, who will perform on the newly refinished hardwood floor. A (hi)storyteller will take guests through the ages, pointing out some of the good things that have come from hard times.
Proceeds from the dinner will go to upgrades of Sapperton Hall and to New Westminster Lions' projects.
Michael Bublé hadn't yet become an international superstar when he entered a talent contest in New Westminster in 1995.
Mayor Wayne Wright was among the hundreds of guests who attended a dinner at the Italian Cultural Centre in Vancouver on Saturday night, where Buble received the ItalianCanadian of 2011 Award. Wright's friend Don Benson alerted him to the New Westminster connection via an email.
Years ago, Bublé entered a youth talent search at Royal City Centre that was sponsored by Royal City Musical Theatre Company. Local legend has it that Bublé initially lost to a female country singer, who appealed to one of the judges.
"Michael is certain to recall the incident, as both he and his female manager were devastated," Benson wrote in an email to Wright. "Please say hello to him when you see him tonight."
Benson reports that his wife, Evelyn, initiated and MC'd the talent contest. Hearing the judges' decision he said she "scolded the judges" and suggested they make it a tie, which they did.
"So Michael and the young lady both won and went on to the PNE," he wrote. "But it was a fateful few minutes for Michael."
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