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Public 'deserves answers'

The New Westminster school district is seeking feedback at a public meeting it's holding next week on how to deal with a hefty $2.8-million surprise deficit.

The New Westminster school district is seeking feedback at a public meeting it's holding next week on how to deal with a hefty $2.8-million surprise deficit.

The district sent out a notice this week asking for parents, school staff and the community at-large to attend the meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 16 at 7 p.m. at the New Westminster Secondary School library.

"We want, basically, to have transparency and accountability, and that is how we need to approach it," trustee Casey Cook told The Record.

In recent board of education meetings, Cook has called for the district to be "seen" to be communicating with the public about the deficit.

"We need to be upfront about this," he said.

The president of the New Westminster teachers' Union and the chair of the district parent advisory council have also been calling for clear and open discussions about the deficit, which was discovered after the board passed what it believed was a balanced budget last spring.

The deficit only came to light after the budget was passed. The $2.8 million shortfall was announced to the public at the start of the school year in September.

Cook said he's heard from a number of people who are concerned about the deficit.

"People are looking for answers," he said, "and they deserve answers."

Next Tuesday's meeting will include an overview of the school district's budget process, followed by small group discussion, and a reporting out of ideas and options for the board of education's consideration, the district's notice states.

Budget and financial information will be presented and school district staff will facilitate the group discussion, the notice says.

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