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Study claims New West is one of the most health conscious cities in Canada

"It is natural to seek information online, but it's equally important to balance this with professional medical advice."
Health anxiety rates are some of the highest in Canada, a new study shows.

If you're a New Westminster resident and struggle with health anxiety, a new study shows you're not the only one. 

Preszler Injury Lawyers recently released a study that analyzed the number of monthly Google searches in Canadian cities for more than 100 injuries and health conditions to determine which locations worry about their health the most.

New West rounded out the top five on the organization's research chart with 1,654 keywords per month per 100,000 people.

Neighbouring Burnaby topped the list at 2,230 keywords per month per 100,000 people; Port Coquitlam was second, Waterloo, Ont., third, and Vancouver fourth.

The top 10 injuries and conditions googled were as follows: 

  1. Carpal tunnel syndrome (29,185 average monthly searches) 
  2. Bursitis (26,317)
  3. Nasal septum deviation (23,157)
  4. Shin splints (22,265)
  5. Concussion (19,368)
  6. Poisoning (17,068)
  7. Bruise (13,553)
  8. Scarring (12,716) 
  9. Degloving (12,434)
  10. Mesothelioma (9,778)

“From repetitive strain injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome to more acute incidents such as concussions and shin splints, Canadians are understandably curious and cautious about their health," a news release said. 

“Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatments for common injuries allows people to make informed decisions about their health and safety. 

“It is natural to seek information online, but it's equally important to balance this with professional medical advice. While Google searches can provide valuable initial information about injuries or illnesses, consulting healthcare professionals for accurate diagnosis and treatment recommendations is crucial for managing these injuries and conditions effectively.”