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The kindness of strangers touches New West resident

A New Westminster resident is grateful for the kindness of two strangers who helped her in a time of need. Betty Hancock recently fell when walking on Sixth Street.

A New Westminster resident is grateful for the kindness of two strangers who helped her in a time of need.

Betty Hancock recently fell when walking on Sixth Street. She was walking with her sister-in-law, who was visiting from England, when the incident occurred.

"We were just on our way to the shoe makers," she said. "We were almost there when I stumbled on something. I was just flying."

Two women quickly came to Hancock's assistance and stayed with her until emergency responders arrived. They even made a second call when an ambulance hadn't arrived after a half hour.

"They were apparently having a very busy morning," Hancock said. "They (the women) waited with me and my sister-in-law for an hour."

Firefighters were the first to arrive; They got a chair from a nearby salon and carefully lifted Hancock up from the ground to a seat, where she could be examined by paramedics.

"Nobody would let me get up," Hancock said.

"Those ladies said, 'don't move, I don't like the look of that shoulder.'"

At the hospital, Hancock learned she had a dislocated shoulder and a break to the top of her shoulder. Because she was in such a state of shock from her fall, she didn't get the women's names.

"Thank you very much for your kindness and patience staying with me," she said about her message to the women. "They were determined they weren't going to leave until somebody came."

In addition to the two women, Hancock said she was touched by the number of people who stopped to inquire if she needed help.


The ever-popular Royal City Show and Shine returns to New Westminster this weekend.

The show takes place on Sunday, July 10 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and features an assortment of classic and custom cars from around the Pacific Northwest. In addition to vehicles, the event features entertainment on Columbia Street.

A poker run kicks off the Show and Shine on Saturday July 9. It takes place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information visit


The Vancouver Leisure Society is raising money for cystic fibrosis in memory of Eva Markvoort for the third year in a row.

The nonprofit society is once again holding a lawn bowling event to raise funds for cystic fibrosis research.

Last year's event raised

$34,500 in a four-night tournament.

"Last year's event exceeded our expectations, and we have high hopes for this year to beat it," said event co-founder Duncan Gillespie.

Participants will gather at the Granville Park Lawn Bowling Club over four Thursday evenings in July.

New Westminster's Eva Markvoort, who battled cystic fibrosis throughout her life and underwent a double lung transplant in October 2007, inspired the event.

"With her new lungs she was given a new lease on life and after her recovery she endeavored to make people more aware of CF by blogging about her life. Eva's blog resonated with people around the world and she garnered a huge following of new friends and supporters," said the Vancouver Leisure Society website. "It was an honour to enjoy the first year of the event alongside Eva, who brought an aura of excitement, positivity and above all, love. Not long after that summer, Eva's body suddenly began rejecting her new lungs."

Markvoort passed away on March 27, 2010 at the age of 25. The event is one of many that attempt to keep Markvoort's legacy alive and raise funds to help find a cure for cystic fibrosis.

For more information, visit www.van


A little piece of New Westminster's history is back on track in Vancouver.

Quayside resident Matthew Laird passed along information that Vancouver's popular Downtown Historic Railway will be back for its 2011 season.

It will be operating between Olympic Village Station and Granville Island on weekends and holidays until midOctober.

A press release notes that the B.C. Electric Interurban #1207 was built in New Westminster 106 years ago. It makes its first trip at noon and operates every half hour until 5 p.m.

Don't be surprised if you bump into Laird if you take a ride on the railway, as he's the supervisor.

Have an item for Around Town? Send it to reporter Theresa McManus by email at tmc [email protected].