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Top Five (or More) Things to Do in New Westminster This Weekend

It's time to celebrate Canada's birthday - and get out and enjoy the first full weekend of summer.

It's time to celebrate Canada's birthday - and get out and enjoy the first full weekend of summer. While you may want to take advantage of the sunshine that's forecast and head outside, there's a variety of indoor and outdoor fun planned for this weekend. We're continuing with our popular feature, The Record's Top Five (or More) Things to Do This Weekend and offer the following suggestions for the June 28 to July 1 Canada Day long weekend.

1. Stock up on perogies before the crew at Holy Eucharist Church takes a well-deserved break for summer. You can pick up some perogies to cook up this summer at the church's perogy sale, or let them do the cooking and buy a yummy dinner. The church's monthly Ukrainian perogy supper takes places on Friday, June 28 from 5 to 8 p.m., and the perogy sales run from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 501 Fourth Ave. For information, call 604-526-0988 or 604-522-7711.

2. Create an eight-page mini comic book describing yourself, your family and your culture at a free workshop at River Market. Award-wining artist and illustrator Julian Lawrence will lead two free workshops for ArtStarts in Schools on Sunday, June 30 at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. The program is recommended for kids aged six to 12. Admission is free and registration isn't necessary - but people are advised to arrive a little early. ArtStarts in Schools is offering a new monthly program that's been sponsored by River Market and Donald's Market ONE Prize. For more information, visit

3. Celebrate Canada's birthday at Queen's Park on Monday, July 1, which features entertainment on the bandshell stage, a Pick-a-Box auction featuring some awesome prizes to bid on, and free cookies and candies. The fun takes place in Queen's Park from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Canada Day. The park fills up fast for this one, so if you're planning to make a day of it you should get there early.

4. Enjoy Canada Day fun at the Quay when the Hyack Festival Association kicks off its Concerts on the Quay music series. The July 1 lineup features Wil, Dominique Fricot, Big World Band and Rich Hope, who will be performing at the stage next to River Market and Fraser River Discovery Centre from 5 to 10 p.m. The Canada Day festivities finale will be fireworks on the waterfront city after dark.

5. Enjoy the sunshine and head to one of the local eateries or pubs and enjoy a cool one on the patio and enjoy the sights and sounds of the city.

Email your Top 5 ideas to [email protected] or send them to [email protected]. You can also check out our full arts and events calendar listings on our website's homepage at

Compiled by staff reporter Theresa McManus