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Letter: Don't insult Beattie's colleagues over one trustee's behaviour

This letter writer finds parallels to the truth and reconciliation path.
Insulting Dee Beattie's colleagues won't help New West move forward, this writer says. Gerasimov 174/iStock/Getty Images Plus


Re: Why so shocked at New West trustee’s ‘despicable’ behaviour?

Neil Demko: You say you have “watched with much amusement” the Dee Beattie scandal.

I say that is sad.

I say the behaviour in question is shocking. I don’t know how culpable or how sick Beattie may be because I don’t know all the facts. I only read the newspaper. I believe it is wrong to insult Beattie's co-workers because of her behaviour.

Similarly, I believe it would be wrong to blame me personally for the harrowing actions taken against Indigenous Peoples and Black communities in the past by colonial ancestors of white folks such as myself.

However, these wrongs have occurred and need to be acknowledged. Of importance now is that we think carefully how to move forward.

The British Crown is symbolic of British history, including the Doctrine of Discovery, which needs to be actively repealed. I do not want to be associated with the ignorance of my ancestors; therefore, I vote to uphold the truth and reconciliation path, and if you consider this to be “rebranding” — so be it. Further insults will not facilitate a timeline for learning to work together to resolve such issues as arise.

Dorothy Smith (she, her, hers)