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Comedy kicks off Vagabond Players' new year

What happens when your empty nest fills back up? That's the question posed in the new Vagabond Players comedy, Alone Together, playing at the Bernie Legge Theatre Jan. 30 to Feb. 22.
Gemma Martini, Ross Friesen, Vagabond Players, Alone Together
Gemma Martini and Ross Friesen star in Vagabond Players’ Alone Together, opening Jan. 30 at Bernie Legge Theatre.

What happens when your empty nest fills back up?

That's the question posed in the new Vagabond Players comedy, Alone Together, playing at the Bernie Legge Theatre Jan. 30 to Feb. 22.

The play centres around George and Helene, a middle-aged couple who have spent 30 years raising three sons and who are finally looking forward to being alone together.

Then, just as one son goes out the door, two more return - to be followed in short ordered by the third.

"It's time for parents' rights to take precedence and for children to stand on their own two feet," as a press release explains.

It's directed by Dale Kelly and stars Ross Friesen and Gemma Martini as the couple in question.

Their sons are played by Ryan J. Johnson, Keaton Mazurek and Boris Bilic - and Friesen's real-life daughter, Cary Lune Friesen, plays Janie Johnson, the young woman who tags along with one of the returning sons.

Alone Together is on Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m., with Sunday matinees at 2 p.m.

Tickets are $15, or $13 for students and seniors, with two-for-one previews on Jan. 30 and 31.

For reservations, call 604-521-0412 or email [email protected].

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